in English

Would you like to try Fatbikes?

With Fatbikes you can have fun activity with family, friends or workmates in marked routes.

TOPyhä is renting outdoor equipment for at least five person groups in Kempele and Liminka. We deliver Fatbikes and, skinbased and traditional snowshoes and disc-golf sets. We also organize well-being events to the big groups and companies.

Our bikes are serviced and our range include a right size bike for everyone, also for kids. Fatbiking is a nice hobby and there is many good routes for it, for example in Liminka Bay and Kempele Köykkyri. When you rent a bike, we’ll give you guide about bikes and routes. You can rent bikes in Liminka or Kempele by asking rental for Your group 24 hours before rent.

We want to make sure that every rider get right size bike so we want to contact every customer. 

We don’t have any full-suspension models.

Opening hours and pricing


Fatbike 2h 30€
Fatbike 4h 40€

Frisbeegolf set 6h 10€

Skinbased 2h 20€
Snow-shoes 2h 10€